The lens with built-in blue-violet light30 filtering and UV protection
What is blue light?
Sunlight consists of a spectrum of light at different wavelengths that divided into visible and invisible light.
Blue light includes wavelengths in the part of the visible spectrum from 380 to 500nm (ISO 20473). This is the highest energetic light reaching the retina (CIE 2023:2012).
The main and most powerful source of blue light is the sun, outdoor and indoors.
Depending on the wavelength, blue light can play a role in distinct physiological fields: retinal ageing, sleep.. to date, Shamir focused all its efforts on the spectral band from 400 to 455, internally referred to as blue-violet light.
Both UV and blue-violet light30, have cumulative and irreversible impacts on the eyes.
Extensive research has been made on blue light-induced retinal ageing from the sun3-29:
The spectral band from 400 to 455 nm (blue violet light30) is one powerful modifiable factor promoting retinal oxidative stress and inhibiting antioxidant defence, thus accelerating eye aging 2 to 5.
This has been recognized in ISO1