Visual AI Engine ™
Visual AI Engine Technology for automation and significant acceleration of personalized lens development
Shamir’s Visual AI Engine is a Big Data- and artificial intelligence-driven lens design technology. It is crucial to our Continuous Design approach, which enables Shamir lens designers to establish and deliver twelve unique lens variations, all precisely tailored to the needs and usage habits of twelve specific age ranges.
Cuts down development time by years
Developing a large number of variants from prototype to final design would normally require a vast amount of time. However, with Visual AI Engine’s autonomous optimization of spheres, addition powers, face-form angles, pantoscopic tilts, fitting heights, base curves, indexes and more, and its automated self-checks, our developers are able to dramatically accelerate this process, and cut down lens development time by years.

Our Advantage
A product ahead of its time, designed for each
Visual Age
The complex design required for Shamir Autograph Intelligence™ would have been too demanding to achieve without the new technology of the Visual AI Engine. The Visual AI Engine™ implements the continuous design concept along the full matrix of optimization parameters such as: sphere, add, face-form angle, pantoscopic tilt, fitting height, base curve, and index.
Mimicking human intelligence, the engine runs multi-dimensional and go-no-go optimization processes, based on the various design genes, leading to greater accuracy and time savings.
The end result is a product ahead of its time, designed with extreme accuracy for each Visual Age™.