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Home Shamir Relax™

A highly personalized single vision lens for the digital lifestyle

An advanced single vision lens available in three variants, precisely personalized to the eyesight requirements of specific eyeglass wearer age ranges and featuring an extra bit of power in its lower surface area for added visual comfort in the 40-to-70-centimeter digital display viewing zones.
The lens makes close and intermediate viewing tasks easier, and specifically helps overcome the vision and constant focusing challenges typical of continuous use of digital displays.

Our advantage:
Accommodative relief for heavy digital users in 3 age ranges

Personalized for one of three distinct age ranges, Shamir Relax provides single vision eyeglass wearers – including those not specifically requiring corrective lenses – with a bit of extra power in its lower area.
As its name implies, Shamir Relax provides relief and helps eyeglass wearers do exactly that – relax, and enjoy greatly minimized eye dryness and fatigue, tearing, headaches and blurry vision at the end of long days in front of computer and digital device screens.

Who it’s for

Eyeglass wearers aged 18 to 45, requiring clear vision with age-specific personalization, and dedicated support for frequent use of personal computers and handheld digital devices.

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Features & Benefits

Three Ages Range

Supports three age ranges, even if vision correction is not required

High Personalization

Lenses customized to eyeglass wearers’ age-driven visual requirements

Vision in Focus

Keeps vision in focus with the broadest possible fields of clear vision

Digital Zone

Unprecedented accommodative support for comfortable digital handheld device and computer viewing

Reduces Eye Strain

Maintains efficiency and responsiveness in daily tasks and reduces end of day eye fatigue

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