Home Lenses Category Occupational Lenses

    An occupational lens that provides focus flexibility through multiple zones, allowing the wearer to achieve clearer vision across various viewing points. Designed specifically for the office environment to answer the needs of a wide range of professions requiring concentrated vision up to for 4 metres.

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    Shamir WorkSpace™ is the best solution when priority focus is both mid-distance and near viewing. Offering a greater depth of field, up to 3m, this advanced lens design allows movement within the workspace and sharp vision whether the required focus is on the desk or a colleague across the room.
    If working on near tasks and interacting with employees or presenting to groups fall within the patient’s daily tasks, Shamir WorkSpace™ is the ideal solution.

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    Shamir Smart Office™ features a dynamic power profile uniquely optimized for near to intermediate vision zones. It provides visual clarity and comfort for convenient reading, computer usage, and a range of additional activities in and around office environments. Shamir Smart Office™ accommodates the most natural and ergonomic viewing postures, reducing the need to tilt your head forward or back or lower or raise objects to achieve convenient viewing.

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    When focusing on a computer and its near surroundings is a top priority, Shamir Computer™ provides a wide field of near viewing with clear vision in the 35cm to 1.5m range.
    Shamir Computer™ is ideal for patients working on a computer throughout the day. However, it serves other occupations as well, as it provides clear vision for any task performed within 1.5m.

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