Eye-point Technology AI™
personalized lensesEye-point Technology AI

Eye-point Technology AI™

Home Technologies Eye-point Technology AI™

Groundbreaking head and eye motion-based vision modeling technology

Eye-point Technology AI is Shamir’s premium lens design technology. It goes beyond traditional measurements and simulations and incorporates artificial intelligence to accurately model Big Data collected on actual eyeglass wearers’ head and eye movements, as part of the lens design process.

Precise prediction and accommodation

The technology allows Shamir’s lens developers to precisely predict and accommodate exactly where and how eyeglass wearers of different ages gaze through their lenses – across both vertical and horizontal meridians – optimally assisting them in the diverse tasks they need to perform under varying circumstances.

Main benefits for your patients

Customized white icon

Precisely personalized

The most advanced and precisely personalized progressive lenses

Eye Point Technology AI white

Advanced AI technology

Takes into account actual viewing angles computed for every distance

All Ages white

For any age and use

Optimal visual experience for any age - and usage-driven requirement

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Our Advantage

Tracks precisely how a patient sees through a lens

Eye-point Technology AI™ enables Shamir to design a lens that takes into account actual viewing angles computed for every distance, unlike designs solely based on simulated eye movement.
Utilizing Head Eye Integrative Movement software and hardware (HEIM), Shamir can now see exactly where in the lens patients of different ages actually look, along both the vertical and horizontal meridians, when they specifically perform tasks in the various visual zones.

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