If you’re looking to retain your customer base as an optical professional, take a look at our best practices to help your organization.
If you’re looking to retain your customer base as an optical professional, take a look at our best practices to help your organization.
When it comes to your eyecare practice, you’ll want to stay up-to-date on the latest technology. Here are some innovations you need to know.
The world of AI has changed so many aspects of our lives, but none more so than the eyecare industry, here’s how.
Newest addition to the VitaminSEE blog: Peer-to-Peer Champions Talk AR
Shamir Optical, leading high-performance optical lens producer seals the deal as a shareholder in the AI-based eye-tracking startup, Blink Technologies.
Phil Pasit, talking about Glacier Expression™, Autograph Intelligence™ and Shamir's 50th Anniversary this year!
Interested in attending Vision Expo East 2022?
Use our registration link below to get FREE admission! ($150 value)
Shamir Optical – Innovating Lens Technologies
An industry insider's perspective on how to leverage cutting edge technology into happier patients and better sales metrics.
With masks either mandated or recommended, depending on the circumstances, Shamir’s Glacier™ Anti-Fog with Duplex-Technology should be at the top of your list for patients.
What’s in store for 2021? And, what are some of the challenges ECPs are facing this year?
Myopia – also known as nearsightedness – can be easily explained to patients as a vision condition that causes distant objects to appear blurry. It is becoming more and more prevalent and as a result, is today considered to be the most common refractive error in the world.
It’s not sci-fi, it’s real. The future of eyecare is here!
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